“Almost 1800 of us, mostly teachers, university faculty and students sat in stunned silence watching scenes from Lee Mun Wah’s latest work. The thunderous applause after confirmed my belief that this powerful film, that touches on so many of the evils of bias that still haunt our society, must be seen by anyone concerned with educating students about true humanity.”
Dr. William A. Howe, Former President of NAME
National Association for Multicultural Education
“Thank you for coming to Antioch last night and for another powerful film about what real diversity is and what it is not. “If These Halls Could Talk” should be mandatory viewing for teachers and leaders of all levels of our society. In addition to the film itself, an essential part of last night’s learning, for me, was the discussion afterwards facilitated by you, Lee Mun Wah. I appreciate the deeper questions you ask and the way you use mindfulness practice as a way of creating a safer environment to hold all that comes up for the person(s) feeling invalidated, spoken for and unheard. Again, I thank you!”
Michelle Hill
Antioch University
“I want to congratulate ALL of you on creating an outstanding experience for the rest of the world to witness. I believe this film, and the ones to follow, will be an important contribution as a change agent for more awareness in schools and daily life in general, and for modeling how to have these challenging conversations. I know I have learned a lot from all of you and it’s changed my life profoundly. The ripples continue…
I raise a glass to toast all of you now. And, thanks go out specifically to the cast for taking the risk to share your stories, plans and visions with each other and all of the rest of us to learn from.”
Zandra Kaufman
Movie Review: http://www.diversepodium.com/article/16678/
“What a Real Conversation on Diversity Might Look Like”
by Emil Guillermo
“My name is Kavya Gopalakrishnan and it was an honor to watch your film tonight. I am an undergraduate student here at Ohio State University and I am from India. My initial thoughts upon hearing about this film were that it was going to be just another film that talks about diversity and how we must all be more diverse. Instead I was pleasantly surprised when your film addressed the differences and spoke about how to make those differences connect. The film was extremely well put together, and was truly a film from the heart, to the heart. There wasn’t one moment when I wasn’t on the edge of my seat, sharing the feelings of a student or wiping the tears away from my eyes. The rawness and the pureness appealed to my very nature. It was truly an emotional and inspiring film, and I will definitely be sharing this with all those around me. There are no exact words, but I’d like to think that this film opened me up and made me really see what is going on around us.
I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope that you at least get a glimpse of the better future that you’ve worked towards. Thank you.
Kavya Gopalakrishnan
Undergraduate Student